
Photo:Kenshu Shintsubo
- 開催終了
- 企画展
角川武蔵野ミュージアム竣工記念展 隈研吾/大地とつながるアート空間の誕生 − 石と木の超建築
角川武蔵野ミュージアム竣工記念展 隈研吾/大地とつながるアート空間の誕生 − 石と木の超建築
図書、美術、博物の複合施設として現代における新たなミュージアム像を提案する "角川武蔵野ミュージアム" です。その設計者であり、世界で最も高い評価を受ける建築家の一人である隈研吾の展覧会を、当ミュージアムの竣工記念として開催いたします。世界中にある隈建築の中で、いま最も注目されているのは国立競技場と角川武蔵野ミュージアムだと言えるでしょう。国を代表するスポーツの聖地を、隈はその象徴的素材として木を多用することで、周囲と調和したものにしました。一方の角川武蔵野ミュージアムは、花崗岩の板材2万枚を外壁にまとった、大地が隆起したような建築です。
芸術/アートの語源である古代ギリシャの言葉 "テクネー" は、自然にはないものを生み出す 〈術〉を意味しました。今回隈研吾が手がけた角川武蔵野ミュージアムは、石とその面構成による唯一無二の造形性、武蔵野台地とこのミュージアムは地底でつながっているという思想、そしてそれらを具現化する高度な技術などが統合された隈研吾の "アート=術" だと言うことができます。本展では、人間にとって最も身近かつ最も対照的な自然素材〈石〉と〈木〉を用いた、これら二つの挑戦的建築を軸に、隈建築の魅力を紹介いたします。
Commemorating the Completion of the Kadokawa Culture Museum
Kengo Kuma: The Birth of an Art Space Connected to Nature −
Transcendent Architecture in Stone and Wood
An architecture of extraordinary form has been born within the area of Musashino and Tokorozawa. It is the Kadokawa Culture Museum which presents a new image of the museum of our time as a place where the library, art museum and natural history museum are integrated within a single multifunctional complex. In this exhibition to commemorate the completion of the museum, we are proud to present Kengo Kuma, the designer of the museum and one of the most highly renowned architects in the world.
Of the buildings that he has designed throughout the world, the ones attracting the greatest attention at this moment may be the National Stadium and the Kadokawa Culture Museum. In the case of the National Stadium, Japan's holy ground for the playing of sports, Kuma's abundant use of wood as a symbolic material has produced a structure that harmonizes with its surroundings. The Kadokawa Culture Museum, on the other hand, with its exterior walls clad with 20,000 granite plates, is an architecture that seems to have risen up from the Earth itself.
The word “art” has as its root the ancient Greek word "techne," which signifies the creation of something not found in nature, an idea expressed by the Japanese word "jutsu” or “technique.” Stone and the unique plasticity provided by its surface structure, the idea of connection with the Musashino Upland from deep within the Earth and the sophisticated techniques used to give form to both were brought together by Kengo Kuma in the Kadokawa Culture Museum. In doing so, one may say for Kuma, “art” and "jutsu" are one and the same.
This exhibition introduces the beauty of Kuma's architecture by focusing on these two groundbreaking structures built with stone and wood, two of the most familiar and most contrasting materials known to humans.
隈研吾 略歴
1954年生まれ。東京大学建築学科大学院修了。1990年隈研吾建築都市設計事務所設立。2009年~2020年3月、東京大学教授。2020年4月より東京大学特別教授。 1964年の東京オリンピックでみた丹下健三の代々木屋内競技場に衝撃を受け、幼少期より建築家を目指す。コロンビア大学客員研究員を経て、1990年、隈研吾建築都市設計事務所を設立。これまで20か国を超す国々で建築を設計し、国内外で様々な賞を受けている。その土地の環境、文化に溶け込む建築を目指し、ヒューマンスケールのやさしく、やわらかなデザインを提案している。また、コンクリートや鉄に代わる新しい素材の探求を通じて、工業化社会の後の建築のあり方を探り続けている。
Kengo Kuma
Kengo Kuma was born in 1954. Before establishing Kengo Kuma & Associates in 1990, he received his master’s degree in architecture from the University of Tokyo where he was a professor of architecture from 2009 to March 2020 and Special Professor from April 2020. Having been inspired by Kenzo Tange’s Yoyogi National Gymnasium, built for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, Kengo Kuma decided to pursue architecture at a young age and later entered the architecture program at the University of Tokyo where he studied under Hiroshi Hara and Yoshichika Uchida. During his graduate studies, he made a research trip across the Sahara, exploring various villages and settlements in which he observed a unique power and beauty. After spending time as a visiting scholar at Columbia University in New York, he established his own design ffice in Tokyo. Since then, Kengo Kuma & Associates has designed architectural works in over 20 countries and received prestigious awards, including the Architectural Institute of Japan Award, the Spirit of Nature Wood Architecture Award (Finland) and the International Stone Architecture Award (Italy), among others. Kengo Kuma & Associates aims to design architecture which naturally merges with its cultural and environmental surroundings, proposing gentle, human-scaled buildings. The office is constantly in search of new materials to replace concrete and steel, and seeks a new approach for architecture in a post-industrial society.
A lecture by Kengo Kuma and guided tours of the Bookshelf Theater and other areas not yet open to the public are planned. Details and dates will be posted to the museum's website once safe operations have been established with respect the Covid-19 situation within the metropolitan area.
隈研吾 『東京 TOKYO』 KADOKAWA刊/2020年
国立競技場、高輪ゲートウェイ駅、歌舞伎座など、〈2020年の東京〉を彩る数々のランドマークの誕生にたずさわる建築家・隈研吾。21世紀の20年間は、隈にとって東京近郊に数多くの代表作を生み出した〈都市回帰の時代〉でした。では今日の東京とは、私たちにとってどのような都市なのでしょう。そして〈建築を都市へとひらく〉ことを目指す建築家は、東京をいかなる都市ととらえ、東京と〈対話〉し続けてきたのでしょうか。本書『東京 TOKYO』は、隈研吾による書き下ろし東京論とともに、著者自薦の最新作を、写真家・新津保建秀が撮り下ろした、都市と人間を問いなおす最新作品集です。2020年7月31日発売。
東京 TOKYO / Kengo Kuma / Published by KADOKAWA / 2020
The architect Kengo Kuma has played a part in the birth of many of the landmarks buildings that emblazon the Tokyo landscape in 2020, including the National Stadium, Takanawa Gateway Station and the Kabukiza Theater. For Kuma, who created many of his most representative works in the outlying suburbs of Tokyo, the first 20 years of the 21st century has been a time marked by his “return to the city." So then what kind of city is Tokyo today for you and me? What kind of city is Tokyo to an architect whose ideal has been to create architecture that opens up to the city? An architect whose dialog with the city has continued to this day? This book "東京TOKYO" is a collection of Kengo Kuma's writings about Tokyo, as well as photographs of Kuma's newest works selected by the architect himself and taken by the photographer Kenshu Shintsubo. Together they invite the reader to consider anew the relationship between the city and people.
展覧会名:隈研吾/大地とつながるアート空間の誕生 − 石と木の超建築
主催:角川武蔵野ミュージアム (角川文化振興財団)
Kengo Kuma: The Birth of an Art Space Connected to Nature−Transcendent Architecture in Stone and Wood
Opening hours: 10:00-18:00 (Fri./Sat. 10:00-21:00/Last admission 30 minutes before closing)
Closed: Tuesday
Admission fee: Adults (including university students) 1,600 yen/Junior and senior high school students 1,000 yen/Elementary school students 700 yen/Preschoolers Free
*Admission fee includes access to the Manga/Light Novel Library.
*An advance reservation is required/The number of visitors admitted at a time will be restricted.
Organized by: Kadokawa Culture Museum (Kadokawa Culture Promotion Foundation)
Planning by: Kengo Kuma & Associates
Photos by: Kenshu Shintsubo
Cooperation provided by: KADOKAWA, Delta Electronics Inc., TIME & STYLE, Hida Sangyo Co., Ltd.,YAMAGIWA,RICOH
Supported by: Tokorozawa City
開催期間 | 2020年08月01日[土] 〜 2020年10月15日[木] |
開催エリア | 1F グランドギャラリー |