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Photo:Kenshu Shintsubo

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Van Gogh - This is how I see the world

The Unknown Van Gogh


There is probably no Western painter who enjoys greater popularity in Japan than Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890). Many of his works, such as Sunflowers, The Yellow House, The Bedroom, Cypresses, Self-Portrait and The Starry Night, are widely known, as is his eventful life, which included admiring ukiyo-e and other Japanese culture, and living with Paul Gauguin in southern France, before ending tragically. Van Gogh’s works received little esteem during the painter’s lifetime, but only after his death, his paintings attracted public attention and went on to have a major impact on the history of painting at large.
Opening now is a digital art exhibition that invites visitors to relive the world as perceived by Vincent Van Gogh. Through a combination of music and 360° projections onto the venue’s walls and floors, the exhibition recreates Van Gogh’s visual world, while tracing his passionate life devoted to painting.
The visuals reproduce Van Gogh’s boldly colored paintings with a special focus on his characteristically energetic brushstrokes, with occasional shifts from warm to rather gloomy tones. The immersive displays are designed to reflect Van Gogh’s poetic, emotionally confused inner workings by emphasizing the contrast of light and shadow.
As there is no prescribed way to appreciate this exhibition, you may walk around the displays and stop – or even lounge in a hammock – at any point you like, absorb the essence of Van Gogh’s works, and be taken right into the life that he entirely spent creating them.

Creative Direction: Gianfranco Iannuzzi
Created by: Gianfranco Iannuzzi – Renato Gatto – Massimiliano Siccardi
KCM Editing: Rino Tagliafierro
Production: Culturespaces Digital®


Developed to be staged at the Kadokawa Culture Museum’s Grand Gallery, a large exhibition space of over 1,100㎡, was an “interactive digital art theater” that wraps the entire venue up in a mixture of visuals and music. When “Ukiyo-e Theater from Paris” was shown in 2021 as the first exhibition of its kind, offering an immersive, full-body experience of artworks and narratives, it attracted large numbers of visitors who greatly enjoyed the immersive experience of being completely surrounded by art.
A total of 34 high-brightness projectors are used to create this entirely new type of visual display that incorporates seamless projections onto all of the venue’s wall and floor areas. Look forward to a very special “shared” experience of time and space, far beyond cinema or virtual reality!

Creative Director of Immersive Art Exhibitions: Gianfranco Iannuzzi

A pioneer in the creation of immersive artistic installations, for 30 years he has held numerous exhibitions in France and internationally.Since 2010, he has been working with the Culturespaces Company on the development of Digital Art Centers such as the Carrières des Lumières in Baux-de-Provence (2012), the Atelier de Lumières in Paris (2016), the Bunker de Lumières in Jeju in Korea (2018), the Infinity des Lumières in Dubai, and the Bassins des Lumières in Bordeaux, to date the largest permanent immersive multimedia installation in the world.
His immersive exhibitions are visited by millions.

You may also want to check Vimeo for works by Gianfranco Iannuzzi.
Please find links to the respective official Vimeo channels at the bottom of this page.


Following the digital art experience in the main exhibition hall, visitors are invited to discover more about the “seemingly familiar but lesser known” facets of Van Gogh’s life, through a chronological table and private letters displayed in a separate space.

[Exhibition Outline]
Van Gogh - This is how I see the world
Dates/place: 2022/6/18 [Sat] - 2023/1/9 [Mon] / 1F Grand Gallery
Organizer: Kadokawa Culture Museum (Kadokawa Culture Promotion Foundation)
3-31-3 Higashi-Tokorozawa Wada, Tokorozawa-shi, Saitama 359-0023, Japan
[Opening hours]
Sunday to Wednesday 10:00-18:00 / Last admission 17:30
Friday to Saturday 10:00-21:00 / Last admission 20:30
1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesday
※Open when a national holiday falls on a Tuesday
※Opening hours may vary depending on the situation




Gianfranco Iannuzzi

Vimeo:Gianfranco Iannuzzi

Date 2022/06/18[土] 〜 2023/01/09[月]
Dates and venues 1F GrandGallery