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Photo:Kenshu Shintsubo

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Unveiling Tutankhamen: The Pharaoh's Timeless Adolescence

See Ancient Egypt like never before via digital replicas of real artefacts captured with the latest high-definition 3D scan technology and
uncover the true face of Tutankhamen.

■The Story in History! A new century of Tutankhamen begins.

2022 marked the centennial year of the discovery of King Tutankhamen's tomb by archaeologist Howard Carter in 1922. One century on, new discoveries about the pyramids and the ancient civilization through continued research and excavations by archaeologists. This exhibition will look into the life of King Tutankhamen, one of the most famous kings in the world.
Based on the idea that there is a story in history, the exhibition attempts to show you Tutankhamen’s way of life and what he thought and felt during his time, rather than simply seeing him as a historical figure from 3,000 years ago.

Tutankhamen succeeded his father Akhenaten at the tender age of 8-9 and ruled Egypt for the duration of his teenage years until passing away at the young age of 19. What was life like for the boy king?

Based on the living figure of that era, experience the life and story of the boy king through a fusion of exquisite replicas and the latest digital technology. The Tutankhamen exhibition takes its first step into its new century, distinguishing itself from the art exhibitions of the past 100 years, as an experiential exhibition merging history and technology.
■Experience the story of the oldest civilization with the latest technology.
There are no genuine excavated items or artworks in this exhibition. What is displayed are 'super replicas', of which there are only three sets in the world. These are finely reproduced items, about 130 in total, including the famous golden mask and throne, among the burial goods that were housed in Tutankhamen's tomb.

Enter the large gallery space and let the projection mapping teleport you back to ancient Egypt. Trace the transition of gods from the creation of ancient Egypt, and feel the life of Tutankhamen with your own eyes, ears, and body. In addition, numerous burial goods of the Pharaoh such as masks and shrines, which were not allowed to be taken out of Egypt, have been digitized by the latest high-definition 3D scan technology developed by WORLD SCAN PROJECT and digitally displayed on a super large screen. These digital exhibits will also be available for you to own as NFT art.

Exciting exhibits and experiences await you!

・Experience the 'discovery of the century' that Howard Carter and his patron, Lord Carnarvon, experienced in 1922 for yourself.
・A reproduction of the royal tomb
・Imagine and experience the life of the young pharaoh at ’The Daily Life of Tutankhamen’
・Exhibit of ancient Egyptian gods who swung between monotheism and polytheism
・Learn about the ancient Egyptian view of life, death and mummies; and how to read hieroglyphs.
■Engage your senses, learn through immersive experiences. Embark on a journey to ancient Egypt and delve into the life of Tutankhamun.
The adventure to ancient Egypt begins before you even step into the exhibition hall. As visitors descend the stairs from the entrance to the exhibition, they're greeted with the atmospheric essence of Egypt. In the lobby, digital projections recreate Egyptian landscapes using data captured from actual sceneries. After viewing an introduction presented by curator Kawakawa Shosho, guests are transported back in time to the moment of Tutankhamun's discovery a century ago, and even further into the mesmerizing world of ancient Egypt.
●Exhibition Details
Introduction: The Royal Tomb of Tutankhamen
"Do you see anything?"

"Yes, wonderful things."

Immediately upon entering the exhibition hall, visitors are introduced to a space that replicates King Tutankhamun's tomb. In 1922, archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the tomb's treasures, piercing a hole into the sealed tomb and peering inside. Overwhelmed, he was left speechless for a while. When his sponsor, Lord Carnarvon, anxiously inquired from behind, "Can you see anything?" Carter could only muster, "Yes, wonderful things." This historical moment lives on in this exhibition.

The pathway for visitors includes strategically placed peepholes, allowing them to glimpse the replicated treasures within. Visitors are invited to re-live the momentous discoveries of Carter and Lord Carnarvon made a century ago.

Chapter 1: Tutankhamen's Youth


In Chapter 1, we explore the daily life and marital circumstances of the boy pharaoh, Tutankhamun.

More than 5,000 burial artifacts were discovered in King Tutankhamun's tomb, comprising not only ceremonial objects, but also a multitude of personal items he used daily. His parents were closely related, potentially resulting in his frail health. Tutankhamun was born with clubfoot, an inward-turning left foot. Over 130 canes and parts of canes have been unearthed from his tomb. A painting on a buried chest shows Tutankhamun leaning on a cane while his wife presents him with a bouquet, suggesting his daily reliance on a cane.

We invite you to contemplate the different dimensions of Tutankhamun: the king, the husband, and the warrior as perceived from these burial artifacts.

Chapter 2: Views of Life and Death and Mummies in Ancient Egypt


How did the ancient Egyptians interpret "death"? In Chapter 2, we delve into their perspective on mortality, including their burial customs such as mummification.

In ancient Egypt, death was not perceived as an end, but rather as a transition from terrestrial life to the afterlife. Their unique outlook on life and death was shaped by Egypt's natural environment. The Nile River, with its annual inundation yielding fertile land, its recurring cycles of flood and abundance, resonated with their beliefs about human rebirth. Moreover, the daily arc of the sun was seen as a symbol of eternal life.

We spotlight their understanding of life and death, the creation of "mummies" derived from this belief, and furthermore, we present the distinct attributes of Tutankhamun's mummy.
Chapter 3: Hieroglyphs: Ancient Sacred Letters


In Chapter 3, we immerse ourselves in the realm of hieroglyphs.

Hieroglyphs, the pictorial writing system of ancient Egypt, were considered to hold power upon inscription, with the written symbols thought to manifest into reality.

In this section, we elucidate the fundamental knowledge of hieroglyphs, how they're deciphered, and the nature of the messages inscribed upon various objects. As you step into a space enrobed in hieroglyphs, with these ancient characters embellishing the walls and floors, you are surrounded by, and learn from, these hieroglyphs. We invite you to reflect on the thoughts and lives of the ancient Egyptians through the words they etched in stone.
Chapter 4: Religion in Ancient Egypt


Originally, the religion of ancient Egypt was polytheistic, venerating a pantheon of gods. These deities were often embodiments of natural elements and animals, encompassing the sun, the sky, stars, mammals, reptiles, birds, and insects, with the count of deities reaching up to 1,500.

Akhenaten, father of Tutankhamun, enacted a significant religious reform, transitioning from polytheism to monotheism, and worshipped solely Aten, the god represented by the sun disk. However, this religious shift failed to earn widespread approval, and when Tutankhamun assumed the throne, he reinstated polytheism.

In Chapter 4, we illuminate the characteristics of the gods from the original polytheistic belief system, and elaborate on the religious reform initiated by Akhenaten, who rejected this polytheism. We also provide insight into the hierarchy and roles within the ancient Egyptian clergy.
Immersive Projection Content and Replica Exhibition in an Expansive Space


At the heart of the whole exhibition, an extensive area unfolds. A massive screen, 40 meters wide and 4.5 meters high, is positioned on one side. This wall and floor surface serve as the canvas for projection content displayed using 13 projectors.

The visuals begin with the primordial waters of 'Nun,' which existed in the pitch-black abyss, representing the genesis of Egyptian mythology. The narrative unfolds to illustrate the birth of the gods, magnificent temples, royal tomb imagery, and finally showcases the religious reforms instigated by Tutankhamun's father, Akhenaten, as well as the life of Tutankhamun himself, who succeeded the throne. This approximately 30-minute multimedia journey offers a complete immersive experience of ancient Egypt.

Moreover, we utilize state-of-the-art technology from the 'World Scan Project' to digitally exhibit numerous funerary artifacts of Tutankhamun, including his mask and shrine, which are not permitted to leave Egypt. These artifacts are transformed into visual content for this exhibition using high-definition 3D scan data.

In front of the screen, the golden mask that once graced Tutankhamun's face gleams brightly. Behind it, the three coffins in which Tutankhamun's mummy resided, and the three outer shrines are meticulously positioned. Please relish the immense display of visuals on the large screen and the grandeur of the coffins and shrines in this expansive space.

Note: We offer a complimentary real-time audio guide that syncs with the visuals at the venue. Please bring your smartphone and earphones to make the most of this feature.

■Digital Content Collaboration Including NFT Cards, AR, and Metaverse


We are excited to provide digital content including NFT cards, AR, and Metaverse experiences as part of collaborative projects between World Scan Project, Inc. (WSP) and ZEXAVERSE, Inc.

During the exhibition, we are hosting an interactive event. Attendees can collect NFT cards, inspired by the burial goods of Tutankhamen, by engaging in a stamp rally-style activity around the exhibit. QR codes, strategically placed in various locations within and outside the venue, can be scanned to acquire free NFT cards of the exhibit, which attendees can take home (*).

In addition, with ZEXAVERSE's AR application MetaPlayer1.0 AR, attendees can enjoy 3D data through Augmented Reality (AR). During the exhibition, an AR representation of the Great Pyramid of Giza, in its actual size, will be displayed next to the Kadokawa Culture Museum building. This provides attendees the opportunity to experience the enormity of the Great Pyramid through their smartphones. The application is set to be available starting July 1st.

Furthermore, ZEXAVERSE's Metaverse "MetaPlayer1.0 World" will host a detailed and realistic 3D representation of the Egyptian world, crafted by WSP, for a limited time (scheduled from mid-July to end of November). Attendees can explore life-sized replicas of Egyptian ruins, examine Tutankhamun's burial goods, including the golden mask, at a virtual museum, and immerse themselves in an Egyptian-themed virtual environment.

*To acquire NFT cards, location information is obtained when scanning the QR codes. This feature is only available to visitors attending the exhibition.

Linked project special site


The WORLD SCAN PROJECT is an industrial automation equipment manufacturer that designs & develops robots, drones, and other related products important for future industries and lifestyles, in both Japan and the US. They also conduct surveys and analyses of archaeological sites and natural environments using their own developed drones and 3D scanning robots, and carry out digital archiving. They are also working on the development of apps for ICT education and SDGs education utilizing this data.
For this exhibition, CTO Yasumasa Ichikawa (CTO) personally conducted the scanning and filming of archaeological sites and burial goods in Egypt, and digitized them into a huge amount of 3D data, which he then sublimated into original art content..

Official website: https://world-scan-project.com/en/

■A dream team of supervisor Yukinori Kawae, spatial design by Anri Jōjō, and music by Kenji Kawai has assembled.

A team of experts from various fields has gathered as production staff for this exhibition, allowing you to experience the civilization of ancient Egypt from a completely new perspective.

Exhibition supervisor Yukinori Kawae is an Egyptologist and Associate Professor at Nagoya University’s Institute for Advanced Research. He is a member of the American Research Center in Egypt and has been selected as an Emerging Explorer by the National Geographic Society.

Production Design that will allow you to experience ancient Egypt of the pharaoh’s time is led by Anri Jōjō, an art director who won the Japan Academy Award for Best Art Direction in ALWAYS: Sunset on Third Street and The Eternal Zero.

Music director Kenji Kawai is known for his works in the theatrical versions of Mobile Police Patlabor and Ghost in the Shell. The exhibition's main musical theme 'Theme of Tutankhamen' will enhance the immersive video content and exhibition atmosphere.
【Profile: Yukinori Kawae】
  • Egyptologist / Associate Professor, Nagoya University Institute for Advanced Research. 
  • Involved in the excavation of the ancient city Pyramid Town and the 3D measurement of the three major pyramids using drone technology.
  • 2016 Emerging Explorer, National Geographic Society.
  • TV appearances including "Discovery of the World’s Mysteries” on TBS, and NHK specials spreading knowledge about Egyptian civilization.
  • Publications including PYRAMID: Solving the Mysteries of Ancient Ruins with the Latest Science (SHINCHOSHA) and Pyramid Wonderland (Graphic-sha Publishing).
  • Successful YouTube channel Yukinori Kawae’s Ancient Egypt (230,000 subscribers as of June 2023)

*Additional information about this exhibition will be announced later on this website.

■A word from Kengo Kuma

“Immerse yourself in Ancient Egypt in Tokorozawa"
 I have long desired to experience the "Tutankhamun" exhibit within the maze-like environment of the Kadokawa Culture Museum, reminiscent of an       inverted pyramid.
 I vividly remember my encounter with the "Tutankhamun Exhibition" in Ueno back in 1965 when I was just 11 years old. The fascination towards  Egyptian civilization ignited from that exhibition was instrumental in inspiring me to pursue a career in architecture.
 In this current exhibition, over 130 super-replicas such as the golden mask, the royal tomb, the mummy, and the burial artifacts are audaciously and  intimately displayed, thanks to them being reproductions. This setup ensures an engaging and immersive exploration of the holistic panorama and  zenith of ancient Egyptian culture.
 Additionally, the breathtaking art films of ancient ruins, crafted from onsite 3D scan data, are simply remarkable. I ardently wish for the younger  generation to experience this 21st-century Tutankhamun exhibition, reincarnated through cutting-edge technology.

■We are launching a vast array of collaborative menus and merchandise throughout Tokorozawa Sakura Town.

In partnership with the retail outlets inside the Kadokawa Culture Museum and various other establishments in Tokorozawa Sakura Town, we are thrilled to present an extensive selection of exhibition-inspired collaborative cuisines and merchandise.

Note: All prices listed below are tax inclusive. Dates are subject to change without notice.

●KadoCafe (Kadokawa Culture Museum 2F)

Item: Ancient Egypt Exhibition Collaborative Printed Latte
Price: 650 yen
Available: Jul 1 (Sat)-Nov 20 (Mon)
Description:  Cafe lattes adorned with prints of emblematic designs from Ancient Egypt. Choose between either "Tutankhamun" or the "Medjed".
●SACULA DINER (Kadokawa Culture Museum 5F)
Item: Tutankamen Noodles ~Peperoncino pasta with sweet and spicy stewed lamb and Jute leaves~
Price: 2,200 yen
Available: Jul 1 (Sat)-Nov 20 (Mon)
Description: This pasta dish is an SACULA DINER-style arrangement of ingredients said to have been eaten by the royalty of ancient Egypt, including lamb meat, jute leaves, dates, and cinnamon. Enjoy it by mixing the pasta in the glass with the stew on the plate.
Item: Camembert Mousse Pyramid with Figs w/ drink
Price: 1,200 yen
Available: Jul 1 (Sat)-Nov 20 (Mon)
Description: Inspired by the cheese made in ancient Egypt, we created a pyramid of Camembert. Accompanied by figs, a common food in their diet, prepared in three different ways, this is a sophisticated dessert seasoned with cinnamon.
Item: Omu-Koshari
Price: Weekdays 1,500 yen / Weekends & Public Holidays: 1,900 yen as a drink set.
Available: Jul 1 (Sat)-Sep 1 (Fri)
Description: Our popular omurice dish has been given an Egyptian twist, reimagined in the style of Koshari, a national dish of Egypt that combines rice, pasta, and beans, topped with fried onions and tomato sauce. Enjoy a flavor change with the spicy Egyptian Shatta sauce. This hearty dish also comes with a soup on the side!
Item: Soybean Hummus with Eggplant and Okra Spiced Curry
Price: Weekdays 1,500 yen / Weekends & Public Holidays: 1,900 yen as a drink set.
Available: Jul 1 (Sat)-Sep 1 (Fri)
Description: Incorporates Saitama-produced soybeans to make the popular hummus (chickpea & ground sesame seed paste) that's loved in North Africa and around the Mediterranean. This original Canteen KADOKAWA Egyptian-style curry incorporates summer vegetables such as eggplant and okra, which are also favored in these regions. Although only plant-based ingredients are used, it provides a satisfying meal experience.
●Rock Museum Shop (Kadokawa Culture Museum 2F)


Left: Acrylic Charms / Right: Ballpoint Pens

A variety of collaboration merchandise created specifically for this exhibition, all based on the theme of ancient Egypt, including Tutankhamun, the golden mask, hieroglyphs, and pyramids.

Selection includes: Wooden postcards / Ballpoint pens / Keyrings / Acrylic charms / Bookmarks, and many more.

●Musashino Reiwa Shrine (in TOKOROZAWA SAKURA TOWN)


Item: “Unveiling Tutankhamen: The Pharaoh's Timeless Adolescence” Shrine Seal
Price: 800 yen
Available: From Jul 1 (Sat) while stocks last.
Description: A shrine seal designed with the motif of this exhibition.

■Joint-event: An Illustrated Guide to Ancient Egypt for Beginners
The exhibition The Mysteries of Civilization: A Textbook on Ancient Egypt will be held from July 23 to November 20, 2023, at the Edit and Art Gallery on the 4th floor of the Kadokawa Culture Museum. The exhibition is based on the book of the same title published by Natsumesha and supervised by Yukinori Kawae.

The exhibition will not only explore the history of ancient Egypt but will also provide a multi-faceted view of pharaohs, gods, pyramids, and daily life at that time. The exhibition is designed to be an interactive experience, with a quiz rally that attendees can enjoy while learning from the exhibits. Precious materials and artifacts actually used in ancient Egypt will be on display. The explanations provided are easy to understand, making it an enjoyable experience for everyone, and it is an ideal learning opportunity for children, especially for their summer vacation research.

Event page: https://kadcul.com/event/125 (Japanese only)
Event Outline
Title Unveiling Tutankhamen: The Pharaoh's Timeless Adolescence
Venue Kadokawa Culture Museum 1F Grand Gallery

Sun-Thu: 10:00-18:00 (last entry 17:30)                                                                                            Fri & Sat: 10:00-21:00 (last entry 20:30)

Period 2023.7.1 (Sat) - 2023.11.20 (Mon)
Close days The museum closes on the 1st, 3rd & 5th Tuesdays of every month
Organizer Kadokawa Culture Museum (Kadokawa Culture Promotion Foundation)
Supervisor Associate Prof. Yukinori Kawae (Nagoya University Institute for Advanced Research)
Ticket Information
Purchase online at https://tix.kadcul.com/, or in-person over the ticket counter (2nd floor lobby area).


Ticket Price (tax inclusive)
General (university student and above) 2,400 yen
Middle school student 1,800 yen
Elementary school student 1,000 yen
Pre-schooler Free

- Scheduled close days and opening hours are subject to change. See website for latest information.

-The 1DAY Passport ticket also allows access to the exhibition. See website for details.

- Certain areas of the venue may be inaccessible due to exhibit rearrangements at the time of your visit.

- Exhibition content is subject to change or cancellation.


Date 2023/07/01[土] 〜 2023/11/20[月]
Dates and venues 1F GrandGallery